Events – Group Expressive Arts

Be enthralled in circles of drums, dance, and song.

Next Featured Event

Celebrate Mother Earth with Rhythm and Love

Date to be announced

Recurring Events (2)

Afro Flow Yoga

‘K’atherine offers weekly sessions Monday nights at a church near UVA in Charlottesville. You can find more information on the Afro Yoga blog post.

Sunday Circle in Charlottesville

Art and Liberation Event

Every Sunday we hold circle in Charlottesville VA at 10:30am in Tonsler Park in solidarity with Sharing is Caring distribution of free food for the community. Email for more info.

“Someday we will be free to be who we are … but now it’s time to join the dance

Liberation Arts events are expressive arts circles based on the culture & celebration gatherings of peoples of the African Diaspora of South and North America. It is warrior arts and community culture. About Us

Past Events (2)

Past Events are featured in our blog

What does being a warrior have to do with it?

Another question is : How does one become free? There are various paths and approaches to the idea of freedom. With Liberation Arts we use theatrical structures to transform the circle space into an environment where the skills and culture of the peaceful warrior shine. Then you can approach your oppressions as fully able as possible.

It’s an abstract concept; experiencing clarifies.

Safety First –> We do movement conscious of the safety of others. We maintain a safe space to share and perform energetic movements only when able to do while avoiding injury, accidents, and upsets.

If you are interested in leaning more and joining our community, visit the How to Participate Page.