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Our striving for right life is bonded to building community with sustainable design

Our Community’s main tenets are that we:

  • identify as artists; seeing the arts as a path to freedom.
  • invest time together in The Circle, and support the artist in everyone.
  • challenge ourselves to consciously and collectively influence the modern condition.
  • source wisdom from African- (North & South) American traditions of roots cultures, maroon communities, and resistance life.

How we engage with those who come to Liberation Arts

  • Liberation Arts supports everyone’s personal goals. We offer positive emotional support as people move through their life paths.
  • We receive with open arms and open home guests, seekers, and visitors. In exchange, we ask them to contribute to our initiatives, endeavors, and to the day-to-day running of our home and farm.
  • Our deeper levels of interdependence are reserved for those who, in their personal prioritizations, can and choose to prioritize contributions, and long term alliances to Liberation Arts Community.

If you are interested in our community: