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Appreciating Cultures – Samba de Roda

Sandwiched between two DJ sets, a live Afro-Brazilian Samba drum set experience awaits your pleasure at Holly’s Diner, led by Macaco Nova Yolk and local group BoomPaTum. These experiences have a high level or interactivity, spontaneity, and ceremony – we highly encourage you to come and See! This will take place starting at 9pm on Saturday, January 25

Admission is free.

Liberation Arts Digital Song Book

Boompatum at Holly’s Google Doc Song Sheets

Macaco Nova Yolk Youtube Playlist


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Food Not Bombs Charlottesville

Wednesdays at Ix Art Park at 6PM

Salvaged and rescued food, as well as fresh produce from local growers is distributed by Charlottesville Food Not Bombs every Wednesday in IX art Park.

This is a chance for artists to gather and speak on issues such as community endeavor,
equitable distributions of resources, or the potential we have to revitalize our national food
systems, for example.